She says that she means to send out the cards but she just cant find the time. I dont see what she has going on in her day. Here is how she spends her day:

See what I have to live with. The Heathens!!
She made the mistake of putting a blanket in the chair and when she turned around to look at something else I jumped on top of it and went to sleep. Ha Ha! Then she didnt want to move it!
Then Autumn went to sleep in the sunshine and mommy gotted a picture of that too cause she said Autumn almost never sleeps there.
When Mommy went in the other room to put something away she found Cheese. She figures there was too much going on in the Sewing room for him and he went to hide out in the study for a while.
And here is how Autumn spends her mornings. Mommy listens to the radio in the morning and does some kind of needlework or knitting and Autumn has to sit in the mommy's lap. Yesterday Cheese was already there and Autumn came over and SAT ON CHEESE!!