Ok, I have to make this quick. Mommy is in the other room doing 'stuff'. Things have been nutso here for almost a week! I dont know what to think! I dont know what is going on but we have been able to maintain a schedule! Ok, here is what has been happening...
- Monday - we got something called DirectTV.
I dunno know what that is about...I always thought that if the tv was in your house and was on it was direct. Anyway, we had a guy going in and out, and on all 3 floors of the house for almost 4 hours. that didnt bother me too much cause he wasn't crazy and didn't make a lot of noise. BUT THEN...
- While the DirectTV guy was at the house the biggest truck I have ever seen came to the cul-de-sac and started spilling stuff out of it's middle. Mommy looked out the door and said, "Good, the moving guys are here."
ummmmm...WHAT??? Moving guys??? No one cleared this with me!! Mommy scooped all of us up and put us in the bedroom and closed the door. Well, I ain't gonna lie, I was happy. I had my stuff with my smells and the door was closed so I felt safe. And to make things better, mommy bringed in some crunchies and water for all of us. The only thing that I didn't really appreciate was the TV guy kept coming in to look at the picture box.
After a lot of noise and voices it got quiet...eerily quiet...like the calm before a tornado quiet. Mommy came up and opened the bedroom door and the 3 goof balls ran out into the rest of the house. I ventured out slowly, like I didn't really care one way or another. Well, let me tell you...I was stunned by what I saw. There was furniture everywhere!! And not in the right places like it normally is. But that was fine as far as I am concerned because what was even worse was the smell!!! This stuff had other poodins smells on them!!!
Mommy was on the phone with Aunt Jackie and it turns out that grandma and grandpa moved to California and didn't need all the stuff that they had so they sent it to us. Well, I knew we had cousins at the grandma's house but other than when mommy and daddy went on vacashun I never smelled them.
We decided the best way to handle the whole situation was to divide and conquer. Cheese and Bumpers smelled the furniture and Autumn checked out the...TWO NEW KITTY CONDOS!!!! I took care of making sure everyone did their job properly. I am more of a management kitty. After about an hour the group reported back to me that while the stuff smelled like other poodins, there were none to be found. We also decided that it was going to take a few weeks before the stuff smelled like us.
- Wednesday - Mommy and daddy were gone ALL DAY.
Not a big deal, but mommy doesnt usually stay away for that long. After it got dark I started to wonder if she got lost. Not that I was too bothered...it wasnt feeding time yet.
- Thursday - it was the middle of nap time and mommy said the dreaded words: Oh good, the truck is here.
Man! will this never end???Now what was going on? I looked outside before scoping out the best hiding place (under the bed) and there was this big truck in the driveway. It wasn't as big as the last one but it was still pretty big. The guys were pulling the biggest box I have ever seen off of it. Then they brought it upstairs and ...RIGHT INTO THE BEDROOM. They were making so much noise that I bolted out of the room as fast as my paws could propel me. Mommy was helping them and the next thing I knew they were gone. Now I really didn't know what to think. I couldn't tell that they left anything. Something smelled different, but I couldn't figure out what. I decided that it wasnt that important after all and hopped up on the bed to resume my nap. I knew right away what was different! There was a new bed! I liked the old one just fine! No one ever consults me on this stuff.
Mommy said that it was a Tempurpedic bed and would be better for Daddy's back than the water bed. They ordered it 4 weeks ago but since they were putting it in the waterbed frame they had to special order a California King. Well, the bed got here but I am still waiting for the king. I just hope it isnt that creepy king that is on the TV that tries to sell burgers. He scares me.
As if that werent bad enough, every night the beans go out to something called a 'hot tub'. It came from the grandma's house and as soon as the electrician was finished they plugged it in and it worked fine. Now when they come in from outside at night they smell funny...like bleach a little. They get a shower after that and then crawl into bed. After their showers they smell normal again so it must not be too big of a deal, I just dont know what a bean does in a 'hot tub'. When I watch them from the window it looks to me like they are just sitting there. Sometimes the water looks like it is boiling. That scares me, what if they are really bean soup and they won't be able to open the cans of stinky goodness for us anymore. They dont seem worried though and they come back in after about an hour so I will just wait and see what happens. But in the meantime I am going to eat as much as I can just in case I have to go a few days without food if they do become Bean Soup.
Mommy has been moving furniture around to get it into the right places and has been doing lots of cleaning...Shhhh! Do you hear that...Crap, the mommy is coming. I gotta go...