Well, Mommy says now that she graduated she can no longer call herself a student; she has to say she is unemployed now. She has been looking for a job though, and she says that is a job in itself. I only see her sitting at the computer all day so I can't tell the difference. She did that the whole way through school too so it is all the same to me. As long as I get fed on time I don't care if she goes to school or looks for a job.
Mommy says now that she is finished with school for a while and she doesnt have a job yet she has to figure out what to do with her time. She decided to make a quilt.

Mommy fell in love with a design called Newport Beach. She loves the way the blocks seem to hover over the fabric. She left the house for a while last Sunday and when she came back she had all this fabric and a really big bag for us to play in. We decided to help her with the quilt instead of playing in the bag. I didnt know there was so many steps to making the quilt.

First we had to help her cut the fabric into pieces.

Then, when it came time to put them together we had to inspect the sewing machine. I had Bumpers help us out on this part a'cause he is a guy kitty and he knows about machines.
Poor Cheese tried to inspect the iron but it was already in use and was too hot for him. He sniffed it a bit, squinted his eyes, and left. I guess that means it is ok.

Then, when Mommy was sewing the pieces together, Autumn and I slept so we would be ready for the next part. I think that part involves some words that we arent allowed to say. At first mommy said them a lot but now I think she has the hang of the pieces and she just zips right along.

Tee Hee. Autumn still sleeps with her tongue sticking out!!