April 04, 2006

A kitten named Aarrg

Three days after Tulip and Timex went to their Forever Home, a neighbor found this little guy and gave him to the mommy. He was wild, but he was only 3 weeks old so he got over it as soon as he realized that the mommy equaled food. He was very very sick and mommy was forever cleaning up after him. He 'pooped soup' as mommy called it and he would only go in the litter box if all of the prior evidence was taken away. Sometimes he wouldn't even go then! Mommy was following him all over the house with a towel and a spray bottle to clean up whatever mess he made.

When he wasn't eating and making soup he would sleep a lot since he was still a Tiny One. He especially loved to sleep all snuggled in a blanket, or pile of pillows, or under a cat. Sometimes he would dig into a blanket, get just his head in and get tired and fall asleep that way! He was too funny! The mommy eventually named him Aarrg since he would like to sit on her shoulder like a Pirate's Parrot...And he growled a lot.

He was only with us for about 3 weeks when he went to his forever home. Mommy and Daddy were going to Newport R.I. for a holiday and they didn't want to leave Aarrg home to make soup all over the place, so they had the V-e-t babysit him while they were gone. She let them know that he was up for adoption but only after he got better and was not making soup anymore. After 4 days, when mommy got back she called to see when she could go pick him up and the nice lady at the v-e-t said that some one saw him and fell in love with him.
Mommy was happy that he would have a new Forever Home, but was annoyed that the v-e-t would let him go home before he was better. When mommy talked to the vet more, she found out that the nice person who took him was a Vet Tech who knew how to care for Tiny Ones with Soup. AND that the new mommy was taking him everywhere with her. She was still in college so he went to classes with her, and when she worked at the office he was there too. He gets to greet everyone and play with the big Barkers...He really does think he owns the place. Mommy gets to see him when she takes the other kitties to the v-e-t and I don't know if he remembers her, but he lets her snuggle him and give him kisses.

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